Humans Of NFT

buy Mint Price
0.025 ETH
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calendar Mint Date
12 Jan 20:00 UTC
activity About the Project

Humans of NFT is a community-based collection of 1,500 one-of-a-kind NFTs who call the Ethereum Blockchain their home. Our humans are all designed by hand, each with their own unique backstory contributed by a member of our community, and combination of accessories that contribute to their unique and awesome selves. Together, you get an inside look into their quirky lives, strange passions, and often questionable thoughts. The collection holds 150 rare “Cultural Icons” who are 1-of-1 hand-drawn characters paying homage to the individuals who helped shape our modern society. Mint price: 0.025 Eth Join our Discord server and visit our website to meet the Humans and learn more about their world and the community that built it.

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