Exile XCIX – Genesis Release

buy Mint Price
0.04 ETH
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calendar Mint Date
18 Feb 00:00 UTC
activity About the Project

Exile XCIX is an axis of inter-dimensional Exiles! A diverse range of creators, believers and misfits that dare to be different. 

Genesis release limited to 999 Exiles only with public sale launching on Feb 18th for 0.04ETH 

  • Hand-drawn, founder-created art with 200+ traits  
  • Genesis drop includes exclusive traits and utility never to be released again
  • Active discord with multiple competitions to win WL, NFT and ETH prizes daily  
  • Community driven roadmap with tons of rewards and utility  

Our project ethos centres around helping the underdog, the little guy and a belief that we can achieve much more together than we could have alone. A creative collective for the digital renaissance. Creating both for and with our community, inspiring them and rewarding them for doing so. 

Experienced team of 4 with a mix of creative, tech, marketing and innovation backgrounds to make it all happen. 

Presale 16th Feb | Public Mint 18th Feb | 0.04ETH

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