NFTs Against War

buy Mint Price
0.02 ETH
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calendar Mint Date
6 Apr 16:00 UTC
activity About the Project

“NFTs against War” is an original collection of 700 art pieces created by Manuel Andres Sanchez (Peruvian environmental and geopolitical specialist from Harvard University and abstract artist) to use NFTs to protest against the absurdity of war in our world and condemn the grotesque amount of money spent on weapons instead of healthcare, education, or the environment. 

The items are based on 7 authentic-handmade artworks using different oil painting techniques, each of which has a specific meaning and message.

35% of all the money generated from NFTs Against War goes directly to our supported charaties.

Besides creating awareness, the ultimate goal of the collection is to donate a percentage of sales to humanitarian groups providing aid to the affected populations in Ukraine and Yemen.

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