Solana Mutant Apes

buy Mint Price
0.3 SOL
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calendar Mint Date
27 Mar 00:00 UTC
activity About the Project

10k Mutant Apes on #Solana with a stable coin(MUSD) staking platform for holders and with holder benefits. Derivative from #mayc!


EARN PASSIVE get our native token $musd (mutant usd) which is a stable coin pegged algorithmicly to a dollar. You can stake it for passive income starting ofc like any stake at high apr. As the token is always pegged to a dollar you wont loose any money staking. 

$MUSD is the first every stable coin staking platform for nfts

2) How does $MUSD work?

$musd (mutant usd) is a stable coin pegged algorithmicly to a dollar, Its not fiat or crypto backed instead is semi rebase i.e, will burn and inflate itself to stay above a dollar

70 percent of mint funds will go to providing liquidity for $musd

3) How much $MUSD will I get?

You will get $musd based on the amount of mutants you hold. More mutants you hold more $musd you get

If you need $musd you can always get more on a dex

or swap your mutant for musd

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